
Yksi euroopan kovimpia videotehtailijoita lyö hetkeksi hanskat naulaan, ehkä jopa lopullisesti. Da-Liks rikkoi kätensä pahasti ja voipi olla ajelut ajeltu.

"It aint over till it's over! In a couple of months we'll find out if i get to ride again, so for now this is the last RWPclip with me in it! shot it real quick during the last session. i had some movement back in my wrist so i got on the bike for a few shots, and to test Staffords new zx6rr before it gets modified for stunting.Getting ready for surgery tomorrow, nervous as hell..
Watch your backs cuz i'll be back with a vengeance!!
and if not, i had a blast all these years.. thanks everybody for the support!"

Ja jos joku kehtaa väittää Liksin tuontantoa huonoksi, niin tuosta heittereille!

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