
KOUBI KORNERIssa haastattelussa Julien "Razerback" Welsch. Harvat Ranskalaiset puhuvat sanaakaan englantia saati yrittää vastailla kysymyksiin englanniksi, joten antakaa huono englanti anteeksi!

-Name : Welsch Julien
-Age : 25 years old
-Contry/Place where you're ridin : Lyon / France
-Bike you're riding now? Triumph Street Triple 675

copyright G. Leprince

-Tell a bit of yourself as a person. How did you get into stuntriding and how many years behind the handlebar now? (riding years :D ) I ride till 7 years now. I would make same stuff than in magazine (wheelie and stoppie), and one day, I say, okay, I’ll try a wheelie. And finaly, I did it all the time, traveled to meet rider, and deal our experience. Now I’m professionnal rider, so I train everyday (2-3 hour / day), I run, I swim....

-What makes you to ride all over again(passion, interest)? For sure, the passion is the number one, and interest the last one. If I want make money, I’ll restart my life and play at soccer to become really rich. I love riding, I love bike, and definitly I love fun and freestyle. Everything is fun, when you use it with your own freestyle touch !

-Most Coolest places you have ever ridden? I got lot of good place, all the place around europe with my good friends, but my favorite place for sure it’s -> Vegas with Apex, and Los Angeles with Krazy Kyle

-Best compentitions you have ever participated? Any prizes? I finished 5 times on the podium last year. But... The best result for me, is, my first podium in real competition, at the ACE streetfigther competition, I finished 2nd.

-What do you think of the Stunting sports developing in Europe? In USA its normal that half of ppl stunt nowadays and in France the stuntscene is getting huge! Stuntriding grow up quick for sure, but we really need more interest by people. When I went to USA, and I saw publicity in magazine using stuntrider, that’s pretty awesome. We are not on the TV, lot of person don’t know we got competition ! But, I hope that’ll changing and I got a huge project for that -> stay connect to see the new “Ride Me Up” concept ;)

copyright G. Leprince

-In France they just published this new documentary movie French StuntTour. Do you think that the movie gave positive or negative publicity for stuntsports? Have you noticed any difference after publishing the movie, about ppl's interests or regarding to stunting? For the moment, this movie is “just” dealing on the stunt scene, but big store become to deal it. I thinks if one day, this documentary is on TV, that’ll be awesome. For the DVD, I thinks, it’s a good quality video. It’s really not a “performance DVD”, it’s for guy and girl, don’t know, what’s the “stuntriding”. A good presentation of our sport.

-Has it been easy to get sponsorships in France for stunting? Have you allways had you sponsorships alone/group? Nooooooooooooo, no, and no for sure. It’s really not easy, because we got bad image in France, and for sure, we need to prouve at everybody, stuntriding is ggod for marketing ! I riding for Triumph, Kutvek, Roof, Shift, Sartso and Rockstar. I hope many more to come -Where do you ride in France? Do you have any legal spots or have you all the time trouble with police? I ride at Lyon, till 7 years now, so I don’t have trouble with the cops, but at the begining, that was hard. We explain them, we are not criminal, we just want practice with maximum of safety (no cars, no spectactors) and now we can practice when we want.

-Have you had any big accidents, surgerys, etc about stunting? (have you pictures?) Yes, bad crash. I did drifting, and do a f****ing highside, and destroy my wrist ! I crashed bad 2 or 3 time by years. This year I got 2 bad crash. I more and I got the count !!!!!

-Upcoming season is just next door, what do you wait for it? Any big events, riding from spot to spot or are you going to make a movie? Like I told you, I got a really big project for this year. I have lot of event book, so I ‘ll travel all around Europe for it, and for competition. I want meet new rider, and share fun time with everybody. Stay connect on my facebook, and watch for Ride Me Up, I hope this concept ‘ll enjoy lot of person.

-Is your bike gonna be the same or getting any new for the setup? No my 2 triumph are perfect now, maybe just put a bigger rotor for the rear brake, but I love it !

copyright G. Leprince

-What's been the best season for now and why? For the moment, the best season was last year, lot of good result, find the Triumph, lot of meeting, and lot of good video. But this year I hope that’ll be 10000 more better

-Have you had any Motocross/Freestyle Motocros background before stunting? No, I was not a motocross rider or anything. I start stuntriding directly !

-Kawasaki or honda? Triumph for sure !

-What kind of Handbrake setup do you have? Detailed specific and fotos of it? I got 2 radial caliper (from front of Triumph Street Triple), and a 13mm Magura, for the clutch I use the RightOus clutch, pretty good quality !
-Do you listen music while riding? No I need to listen my engine, but when I finish riding, I put music in my van, Mickael Jackson, Electro, and lot of other stuff !

copyright G. Leprince

-Do you prefer more streetriding or doing spots? I’m scary by streetriding, so I prefer riding spot !

-Anybody you want to thank or send greetings? I want to thanks you, to propose me this interview, and thx my girlfriend, and my family. All my sponsors, and all the guy support me all around the world. I hope I’ll travel everywhere this year to meet indian, brasilian, american... All people love riding ! Stay connect for Ride Me Up on my facebook, and my website www.julienwelsch.com

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